When was the last time you cleaned your own gutters or even just took a quick glance at them? It has probably been a while, which is understandable, but now that the leaves are dropping and winter is quickly approaching, you should put having your gutters checked and cleaned at the top of your list of things to do. Postponing it may result in unpleasant experiences in the future. I can’t believe I’m even publishing this snake picture on my blog because I used to have snakes, but now that I know it’s true, think of it as a PSA.


Here is a list of living creepy crawlies that you might encounter in your gutters at this time of year, ranging from the disgusting to the frightening. You want to avoid encountering any of these, we assure you. You should expect to run into one or more of these if you decide to clean your gutters as experienced by top rated gutter cleaners.



Although these reptiles are not harmful, you still don’t want to see them in your gutters. They are too similar to their snake relative. ugh, guy. GROSS.



Nobody enjoys spiders. Although they might help to keep the environment in balance, nobody wants them inside or close to their homes. Unfortunately, gutters that aren’t adequately maintained become a home for many types of spiders. The screams coming from the rooftop are already audible.



Though they won’t be as horrible as the ones in Jumanji, the plants that are growing in your filthy gutters can still be a big problem. Plants can damage the gutter system, from grass to trees, and that is not enjoyable.



These bad guys are spooky even though they aren’t deadly. Maintaining a clean gutter system is the biggest deterrent to them from establishing a base of operations there. (Do you see a pattern here?).



You may have seen The Birds. You might have read the book. In any case, you may anticipate that response if you unintentionally disturb a family of breeding birds. From above, a gutter appears to be a good area to establish some roots. But in reality, they only serve to clog your gutters, which can seriously harm your roof.



Did you know that frogs may lay their entire family of tadpoles in your gutters in addition to living there? It’s true, bro. You don’t want them hiding in your gutters, trust us when we say that. especially when it’s time for those infants to get up and begin to jump. Frogs will swarm all over you.



Yes, you did read that right. Snakes enter your gutters in search of other creatures like frogs, squirrels, chipmunks, and birds that take refuge there. Just picture a snake hanging over your door or slithering out of your gutter. You might want to call a professional only on the basis of that thinking.